Fire Site of different dynasties
On account
of the importance of military intelligence beacon fire sites were strictly
managed during each dynasty. Soldiers of the beacon fire sites were
not allowed to leave the site without permission for fear of failing
to send military intelligence.
- Beacon
Fire Site of Tang Dynasty
As a result of political and military development, the Tang Dynasty
did not adopt defensive measures and did not build the Great Wall
to any great extent. Yet it did built many military townships. It
summarized the beacon fire system of the Spring and Autumn Period,
Warring States Period, the Qin and Han dynasties.
Tang Dynasty introduced a complete beacon fire system, incorporating
previous alarm signal systems. The Tang Dynasty system, including method
of installation, architectural form, organization of beacon fire,
kind of fire, regulations and methods of making smoke and fire, regulation
of alarm raising and changing of guards, transmitting alarm signals,
secret code -- all these were inherited and used by later generations.
According to Tang Dynasty provisions there must be a beacon fire site
every 30 li to be erected on mountains. In case too many mountains
block the view, the distance can be altered. The beacon fire site
should be located in a spot where three such sites come into view
of each other. In border areas beacon fire site should be surrounded
by protective walls. A key person is to be in charge, aided by a deputy.
Nine persons are to work in the site. They should be chosen from among
those who have families. The deputy supervises overt he nine, who keep
watch on enemy movement by turn day and night. One of them is in charge
of the tally (used as proof for transmitting intelligence), who is
relieved every two years. Smoke is made during day while fire is made
at night. A lockout should be maintained to watch the tube to make
sure that there is a signal coming out from the beacon fire site.
- Beacon
Fire Site of Ming dynasty
Construction project of the Great Wall under the Ming Dynasty saw
great improvement. The system of beacon fire site, the making of smoke
and fire, etc. were also improved. Cannons were fired as an additional
signal. Sulphur and saltpetre had been added to make it more effective.
According to regulations laid down in 1466 or the second year of Cheng
Hua, Ming Dynasty: cannon shot was fired once and one beacon fire
made when 100-200 enemy troops advanced on the border region. Two shots
were fired and two fires lighted when 500 enemy troops invaded the
territory. Three shots and three fires were discharged and made in
case of attack by 1,000 enemy troops. Four shots and four fires were
discharged and made when5,000 enemy force approached. Should over
10,000 enemy troops encroach upon the territory, five shots were to
be fired and five beacon fires made. Sulphur and saltpetre having
been added, the signals and military intelligence were sent more accurately
and quickly.