Wall wasn't the former boundary of China, Why?
Great Wall is a product of contradictions between various ruling cliques
in ancient China. It is scattered in all direction--south, north, east
and west. More than 20 walls had been built in some sections as reinforcement.
Prefectures and counties were set up by the Chinese government since
the time of Qin Shi Huang inside and outside the Great Wall.
The Great
Wall blunt during the Han Dynasty went northward beyond the limit of
the Qin-wall by several hundred kilometers and even l,000 km in some
places. In Ming Dynasty Nuergan Du Si (a sort of provincial governmental
institute) had been set up in a place now in the Soviet Union called
Nicholayevsk, more than l,000 km from Shanhaiguan Pass. This was a Chinese
organ dealing with military and civil affairs in the region. The Great Wall,
therefore, had never been China's boundary. Nor was it a demarcation
line for fixing administrative areas in China.
Photo of Badaling Great Wall
Photo of HuangHuaCheng Great Wall
Photo of Jinshanling Great Wall
Photo of Juyongguan Great Wall
Photo of Mutianyu Great Wall
Photo of Simatai Great Wall
Beijing Tour Routes Includes Great Wall
Beijing One Day Tour:
BD-4. Badaling Wall+Ming Tomb
BD-5. Badaling Wall+Summer Palace
BD-6. Badaling Great Wall,Tiananmen Square,Forbidden City
BD-7. Mutianyu wall+Ming Tomb
BD-8. Mutianyu Great wall, Summer Palace
BD-9. Mutianyu Great wall, Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City
BD-10. Simatai Great Wall
BD-11. Beijing Day Tour from Xingang Port
BD-14. Half Day Tour to Badaling Great Wall
Xingang Beijing Tour
BX-1. Xingang Beijing 2 days (no hotel)
BX-2. Xingang Beijing 2 days tour
BX-3. Xingang Beijing 4 days tour
BD-11. Xingang Beijing 1 day tour
Seat in Coach Beijing Tour
BST-1. Great Wall tour bus tour
Beijing Xian Tour
BJXA-3. Beijing Xian 4 days tour
BJXA-4. Beijing Xian 7 days tour
BJXA-5. Beijing Xian 9 days tour
Beijing Chengde Tour
BJCD-2. Beijing Chengde 6 days tour